The Pursuit of Happiness

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Rising

I know! I know! I made a pact with myself to at least blog once a week....then it struck! I have had the most fun in the past 3 weeks. I have had a lot on my platter (it is not just a plate, but a platter. Because it is a variety of items!) So, yes, my platter has been a very colorful and delightful array. I have the pure joy of planning events for my work. I wrapped up an Amazing Day of Play where 150 children came to play at our local YMCA with their families. It was a lot of work, and a ton of fun.
I directly rolled into the set design for Holy week. We are doing 3 set changes in one week. It has an urban look. Palm Sunday was the Roar, Good Friday was the Ruin and Easter Sunday is the Rising. Each message comes with a build to the set. The Roar was just a back lit city in which I carved out of Styrofoam.

On Tuesday my team met me at a home that was freshly gutted. We helped the family by clearing out all the ruin and we had a stage! Sunday we will add a railroad tie cross that will look to be rising out of the ruins. I gave my best shot at a sledgehammer for the first time. Check out my "safety swim goggles"

There is so much to share about what has happened that has such meaning to my life, but I am trying to blog and not bore. I will say in times like these we have times that we can celebrate and ROAR about. We also have those times when our lives are in RUINS and we just have to endure each day. In the midst of all of our celebration or our crap we can always have hope in the RISING and know that we are never alone.


Chris said...

Is that the "hot knife" or my HOT WIFE!?

Chris said...'ve never been more attractive then when swinging that sledge hammer!!! My apologies to everyone else reading this….just a little ePDA.

Heather Umbaugh said...

So the swim google's? Nothin'? okay then.

Tana M. Schiewer said...

OOO baby...I love those swim goggles!

Awesome set, my lady!