The Pursuit of Happiness

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Creative + Dry Erase Board = Love

I love brainstorming! It is what I thrive on! There is a part of me that would love to be a teacher. Summers off would be my main goal and that is what always stops me. Shouldn't the main focus be to see children grow and learn? Here is truly my biggest fear, that I would get so caught up in the dry erase board and all heck would break loose. The dry erase board is a beautiful thing. Large open space with the sole purpose to be created upon over and over again! When I get started on an idea I can not stop! If you are a reader it would be comparable to when you sit down with the perfect book and nothing will suffice until you read that last page. While Mrs. Umbaugh is in her own world of creation, the kids would be as my friend Dave says "OFF DA HOOK!" Once again, I would be fired.

Chalkboard, magnetic, and dry erase board paints have become really popular now to be used in the home setting. We painted our interior garage door about 4 years ago with chalkboard paint. It has been one of my favorite spots in our house. I constantly find notes and drawings from my children, I am leaving myself notes to not forget something as I fly out the door to work, and my husband REALLY enjoys the random honey do lists that appear every now and again. It is a great space for family planning and teaching moments when trying to work out that never ending division problem. I think my favorite part is when I am dusting and my dust is not black, it is usually orange! Now when was the last time you smiled while doing housework? Always looking for the joy!

While our focus is on the economy I would also like to point out that if you already own a paintbrush you can do this home remodel project for under $10 including the chalk! Smiles and organization....priceless!


Tana M. Schiewer said...

I hear ya sister! That's why I have an 8 foot dry erase board at the office!

Tom Pohlman said...

THIS is what we have in common! I could do concept work all day and all night (and have). It's one of the things I have infinite energy to do and I think it's something you have to be born with. You know where we get it from don't you?! :>) Dreaming up big ideas is fun and really fulfilling on the spiritual/artistic side. The trick is to find a way to apply it/have someone who will pay you for it! Or I should say (in advertising), find someone who will let you do it, without taking your idea and turning it into a pile of unrecognizable mush!

PS: You may want to have your house checked if you have black dust! :>)

gramps and grams said...

I think you are all from the same family especially like Chloe who wants to dream about life forever. I would wake up totally exhausted. I remember somebody who use to dream looking out the window during school. We know who. Just keep dreaming about the good life!

gramps and grams said...

I love the family blog because it brings out the good life. Keep up the good life & bring home the dough baby! I love you !!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Ma